
François rené de chateaubriand rené
François rené de chateaubriand rené

françois rené de chateaubriand rené françois rené de chateaubriand rené

He married, emigrated, joined the army of Condé, was wounded and left for dead during the expedition against Thionville, and succeeded in escaping to England in 1793.

françois rené de chateaubriand rené

However, when King Louis XVI was arrested at Varennes, Chateaubriand believed it his duty to place his sword at the service of imperilled royalty and, returning to France, landed there 2 January, 1792. The American wilderness was indeed a revelation to his poetic mind, and furnished it with an inexhaustible supply of imagery. Upon the fall of the monarchy, he embarked at Saint-Malo for America, 8 April, 1791. Meanwhile the young officer spent much of his time in Paris, where his brother and one of his sisters resided. Although at first destined for the navy, for a while he believed himself called to the ecclesiastical life, but finally, in 1786, obtained a commission as lieutenant in the regiment of Navarre, then quartered at Cambrai. He studied at Dol, then at Rennes, and later at Dinan. at Saint-Malo, Brittany, 4 September, 1768 d. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — all for only $19.99.įrench writer, b. Urn:oclc:861065708 Scandate 20101228013746 Scanner help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. OL15862055W Page-progression lr Page_number_confidence 86.36 Pages 112 Ppi 643 Related-external-id urn:isbn:272640121X Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 21:02:48 Boxid IA121919 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II City Paris Curatenote shipped Donor

François rené de chateaubriand rené