The moonlight caressed the land with its gentle touch as the dark figure crouched quietly in the minuscule covering the foliage provided. when he was only twenty and one years old. The story of Walter's life began in Dacia in 800 A.D. Just the mention of their names sent a shiver of fear through any evil being, human. Walter and Mary's names held both honor and power. For Walter and Mary, Bordak, and Golarin were more than just my friends. My friends torn from me, I fear I may never recover from this painful chapter in my life. Someday, I hope to return to my beloved homeland when it is safe. If any survive, I do not know of where they could possibly be.

Most of my people are now gone, exterminated by hate and hysteria. He and his wife, Knight Mary, were the most powerful warriors of my kind who ever lived. He was a great man who accomplished many things and fought the foulest of demons, the greatest of evils. It was by his example that we tried to aspire to. It is at your request that I write these words, so that you may know what you are getting yourselves into and the example that Walter Volknor set for all of my people. You have requested to become one of my people in exchange for the hospitality you have given. You, my new found brothers, took me in when I had nowhere else to go. Hysteria has gripped my country and where there once was peace and harmony, now there is suspicion and treachery. With all the terrible things now going on in my homeland of Dacia, it is not safe to be what I am any longer, nor to announce that you are what you are.

You have all taught me great things about inner peace and how to deal with the sorrow in my soul. I came to this monastery only a few short months ago to escape the pain of loss. My new friends, I am writing this account of the life of Walter Volknor at your request. This is the first book in the Moonwarriors Saga.