OPINION: The large cast of this book made it interesting to read each individual story, but I also cared less about each character. The book tells the stories of all the people at Hotel Nantucket. Lizbet, recovering from the breakup of a longtime relationship, puts together a ragtag set of skeleton staff to run the hotel. Purchased by a billionaire who wants the hotel to receive a coveted 5th Key by a reviewer, the hotel opens under the management of Lizbet Keaton. In 1922, a chambermaid was killed in a fire, and her spirit remains at the hotel. THE STORY: The Hotel Nantucket reopens after years of being abandoned. As a romance reader, I would have preferred more about Lizbet and Mario, but overall I enjoyed the book.

It’s not particularly compelling but the different storylines keeps the book interesting. FINAL DECISION: This is a good beach read.